Monday, March 21, 2011

Video Update--Uniform!

 One of the most popular questions I recieve is about my uniform. Here's a video tour of it! (Yes, this has been posted on facebook already, so for those of you that are facebook friends with me, youve already seen it.) But there should be another brand-new post before the end of the week about something yet to be determined!

Note about the video: I can't figure out how to cut the beginning, so I ramble a bit, but posting videos is pretty cool, huh?

All and all, I'm doing very well, and it's hard to believe I've already been in Chile for more than 3 weeks. Diego and I went to the Chilean FBI and Registro Civil (kind of like a combination of the DMV and Secretary of State, I think) to register my visa this morning, so I'm not at risk of being an illegal immigrant anymore!

My spanish is improving every day, and I have wonderful classmates that have made such a great effort to include me in everything. I have my first test tomorrow (in English, so I'm not especially worried) but I also have Chemistry and Psychology later this week. Speaking of which, I should probably go "study" for those tests, so I'll wrap it up. Oh, and happy fall/spring!

PS: OBAMA'S HERE! All day I was hoping he would make a side trip to Rancagua to visit me. Unfortunately, my wish did not come true. Oh well!

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