For those who don't know, here is the official wikipedia definition of a visa:
A visa (from the Latin charta visa, lit. "paper that has been seen"[1]) is an indication that a person is authorized to enter the territory for which it was "issued", subject to permission of an immigration official at the time of actual entry
So basically, I need a special sheet of paper to live in Chile for longer than 90 days (which I will be doing). However, visas are ridiculously tedious and time consuming, and I can't even fully complete it until I have a family placement and a departure date (neither of which i have).
FUN FACT FOR YOU: all of my AFS information comes from a "portal" through which I applied and pay and get important paperwork. I sign on almost every day, because that would be where I find my host family and travel information and everything. I signed on after Christmas, when it said "new information" under the heading "travel notifications". I was very excited, naturally, because that would mean I have a departure date! Unfortunately, when I clicked on the link, the "new information" was just two words: "No Record". So a lot of excitement for nothing. Oh well, it means I'm having information soon, hopefully!

We immediately sent the prints, along with the paperwork for my background check, to the FBI, and i should get my results back someday.
Next, I got my HIV test. I had never gotten blood drawn, but it was surprisingly painless and easy. The lady drawing blood was really nice, and they only took out two vials. A few days later, we got the results: NEGATIVE! What a surprise :)
So that is all the visa stuff i have completed so far. I also need to do things like get three passport size pictures, but all of that sort of stuff is easy. Once I get a placement, that's when everything will get exciting.
I'll try to update again soon--I keep brainstorming blog post ideas when I'm bored. Cross your fingers for a placement for me soon!